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Words by Nachum Soroker, published at ISPRM

Haim Ring was a man of strong presence. He was also actively involved in everything that happens and fulfilled a large series of responsible roles and duties. That is why it is so difficult for all of us who worked with him for years to digest the fact of his permanent absence.

Haim Ring was born in Uruguay in July 18, 1944. He received his M.D. title from the Faculty of

Medicine in Montevideo in 1973. In 1980 he completed a residency period of 5 years in P&RM at

the Loewenstein Rehabilitation Hospital (LRH), which is affiliated with the Faculty of Medicine in

Tel-Aviv University and is the largest rehabilitation center in Israel. His untimely death in

September 15, 2008 was the end of a working period of almost 35 years at the LRH. Haim Ring was

father of three children – Edan, Matan and Shani. His wife Irene accompanied him to many rehab

congresses and is known to many in the international rehab community.

Formatory years: During the residency period Haim Ring completed CME studies and received an

M.Sc. title in P&RM from Tel-Aviv University for his work entitled "A computerized System for

Disability Evaluation". It is in these early years that he developed a strong interest in functional

evaluation which persisted throughout his entire medical career. He participated in various courses.

dealing with management, economy, research and use of computerized systems in medicine. In

1985-6 he was a research fellow in Geriatric Medicine & Rehabilitation in the University of

Birmingham, where he also studied evoked potentials. He was also a fellow in Neurophysiology in

the University of Aston, U.K. In 1988 he continued his study of applications of evoked-potentials in

Lyon, France. He maintained a lasting research and clinical interest in neurophysiology, especially

in applications of electromyography, since then. In 1992 he was a visiting professor in Moss

Rehabilitation Hospital, Philadelphia, and three years later he spent a sabatical in the Rivermead

Rehabilitation Center in Oxford.

Teaching: Haim Ring started teaching during the residency period and became Instructor in the

P&RM Department of Tel-Aviv University in 1980, Lecturer in 1988, Senior Lecturer in 1990,

Associate Clinical Professor in 1993 and Full Clinical Professor in 2000. During all these years he

gave lectures on all aspects of rehabilitation medicine, functional evaluation and electromyography

to physicians of all specialties, medical students, and students of the different health professions. He directed the 1988-91 CME program in P&RM of Tel-Aviv University, and various other educational programs and courses. Haim Ring supervised eight M.Sc. research projects by students of bio-engineering, physiotherapy and occupational medicine, and eight basic-science research projects by P&RM residents.

National Activity: Haim Ring contributed enormously to the advancement of P&RM in Israel and

to the international recognition of Israeli achievements in the field. In 1976, still resident in P&RM,

he was nominated Head of The Institute for Functional Evaluation at the Loewenstein Rehabilitation

Hospital (LRH). In 1988 he became Director of Department C for Neurological Rehabilitation at the

LRH. He held these two positions until his death. During the years 1996-2004 he served as Deputy

Director of the LRH for clinical and research activities. In 1994 Haim Ring was elected to be

President of the Israel Association of P&RM, a position he held for eight years.

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